Work with us

Greentastic Sustainability


We take care of the planet thanks to a responsible production process that optimises natural resources.

We wish to give back to the earth what the earth gives to us. To do this, we take care of our planet thanks to sustainable production that optimises natural resources. All our companies share the same philosophy of exercising responsible agriculture and production. Therefore, care and love for our land and crops are present in every phase of our production processes. Furthermore, we employ cutting-edge technology to optimise natural resources and achieve greater energy efficiency.

hoja beige


We grow healthy, nutritious, sustainable products.

We are promoters of a safe, healthy diet.

We produce fruit and vegetables which are natural and full of flavour, thanks to the highest worldwide quality standards and the know-how of our expert farmers.

To respond to the growing demand for organic and local foods, our companies have also introduced organic ranges of their produce.


We create safe and healthy working environments.

Our people are the motivation behind our growth.

We create safe, transparent and ethical workplaces. We form a great family of farmers and professionals, working day by day to create a better society.

Our companies are committed to creating work environments with equal opportunities and diversity, while promoting a balance between personal and professional life.